Cluse Krings

 Vom Untergang der Moderne










Hip Hop
A genre of music typically consisting of a rhythmic style
of speaking called rap over backing beats performed on a
turntable by a DJ. Hip hop music is part of hip hop culture,
which began in New York City in the 1970s, predominantly
among African Americans and Latinos (two other elements
are breakdancing and graffiti art).

Rapping [...] is a vocal style in which the performer
speaks rhythmically and in rhyme, generally to a beat.
Beats are traditionally sampled from portions of other
songs by a DJ, though synthesizers, drum machines,
and live bands are also used, especially in newer music.
Rappers may perform poetry which they have written
ahead of time, or improvise rhymes on the spot. [...]
Hip hop arose in New York City when DJs began
isolating the percussion break from funk or disco songs
for audiences to dance to. [...]

By 1979, hip hop had become a commercially recorded
music genre, and began to enter the American
mainstream. It also began its spread across the world.
In the 1990s, a form called gangsta rap became a
major part of American music, causing significant
controversy over lyrics which were perceived by some
as promoting violence, promiscuity, drug use and
misogyny. Nevertheless, by the beginning of the
2000s, hip hop became a staple of popular music
charts and is now performed in widely varying styles
around the world.

The roots of hip hop are found in African-American
and West African music. The griots of West Africa
are a group of traveling singers and poets,
whose musical style is reminiscent of hiphop.
Within New York City, griot-like performances of
poetry and music by artists such as The Last Poets
and Jalal Mansur Nuriddin had a great impact on
the post-civil rights era culture of the 1960s and

Dub had arisen in Jamaica due to the influence
of American sailors and radio stations playing R&B.
Large sound systems were set up to accommodate
poor Jamaicans, who couldn't afford to buy records,
and dub developed at the sound systems [...] and
the parties that evolved around them.
Herc was one of the most popular DJs in early
70s New York, and he quickly switched from using
reggae records to funk, rock and, later, disco,
since the New York audience did not particularly
like reggae. Because the percussive breaks were
generally short, Herc and other DJs began extending
them using an audio mixer and two records.
Mixing and scratching techniques eventually developed
along with the breaks. [...]

Such looping, sampling and remixing of another's
music, usually without the original artist's
knowledge or consent, can be seen as an evolution
of Jamaican Dub music, and would become a hallmark
of the hip hop style. [...]

The 1980s saw intense diversification of hip hop,
which developed into a more complex form.
As technology evolved so did the practice of looping
break into breakbeats; the emergence of samplers
and sequencers allowed the beats to be manipulated
with greater precision and granularity and recombined
in more complex new ways than was possible with
vinyl alone. [...]

Hip hop was almost entirely unknown outside of the
United States prior to the 1980s. During that decade,
it began its spread to every inhabited continent and
became a part of the music scene in dozens of countries.
In the early part of the decade, breakdancing became
the first aspect of hip hop culture to reach Germany,
Japan and South Africa [...].

Auszug aus: Rap Wiki
abgerufen 03-04-2021


The term rap is sometimes used synonymously with
hip hop music, though it originally referred
only to rapping itself.

Auszug aus: Rap Wiki
abgerufen 03-04-2021

rap, (Amer.) [ugs.] — Palaver, Geplapper, Anklage

aus: Online-Wörterbuch




Acid Jazz

In den 1980-ern erwartete die Jazz-Welt einen neuen, universellen Stil wie den Electric Jazz bzw. Fusion der '70-er Jahre, aus dem sich dann mehrere Unter-Stile entwickelten wie der Funk. Acid Jazz segelte gewissermaßen unter falscher Flagge, indem er dem Dagewesenen vor allem eine dominante Rhythmik überstülpte.

Die Denomination setzte auf Konnotationen mit der Psycho- delischen Musik der 1960-er, es wurde mit entsprechenden Klängen experimentiert. Letztlich aber zündete der Funke nicht, so dass der Name kaum noch in Umlauf ist.

New Wave



Neue Deutsche Welle




Unter diesem Titel wurden Mitte der 1990-er Jahre von einem US-amerikanischen Produzenten, der sich Guru nannte, mehrere Gemeinschafts-Albums herausgegeben mit verschie- denen Künstlern, die sich an einer Synthese aus Jazz und Hip Hop versuchten, wobei mit dem Sampler elektronisch modifi- zierte Klänge aus anderen Zusammenhängen hinzugefügt wurden.

Das Genre entwickelte sich nie zu einem eigenstänigen Stil und beschränkte sich auf ein gutes Dutzend Musiker, die es bald schon wieder aufgaben.

Sachschaden der Hausbesetzer



Ideenloser Wiederaufbau



Ronald Reagan



Star Wars Program



Demonstration der Friedensbewegung

in Bonn


Behutsame Stadterneuernung



Teure Atomtransporte



Peter Gauweiler



Verbilligte Medikamte für Entwicklungsländer




ISBN 978-3-981-65113-3 ---
Erschienen im HWS-Verlag (VLB 5230735) ---
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