Cluse Krings

 Vom Untergang der Moderne










Watergate Office Building

Bretton Woods
Ort in den USA, an dem eine internationale Konferenz der

Fort Knox


Roosevelt — de Gaulle — Potsdamer Konferenz

Präsident Franklin D. Roosevelt führte die USA durch den Zweiten Weltkrieg, verstarb jedoch vor dem Sieg über Deutschland. Bei Konferenzen der Alliierten (Großbritannien, Sowjetunion, USA) akzeptierte er keine Anwesenheit oder gar Mitsprache Frankreichs, das, von den Nazis überrannt bzw. mit einer Marionettenregierung in Vichy versehen, keine Kriegslasten trug. Roosevelts Nachfolger im Amt, der vormalige Vize-Präsident Harry S. Truman, führte diese Politik fort und verweigerte den Franzosen Sitz und Stimme auf der Potsdamer Konferenz, die über die Nachkriegsordnung in Europa entschied, mit dem Argument, Frankreich besitze keine gewählte Regierung und somit keine legitime Vertretung. General de Gaulle bemühte sich um baldmöglichste Wahlen in seinem Land, kam aber für die Potsdamer Konferenz zu spät. Frankreich wurde im Nachgang lediglich gewährt, das Abschlussdokument nachträglich zu unterzeichnen. Einfluss auf den Ausgang des Drei-Mächte-Treffens hatte de Gaulle somit nicht.

Olympische Sommerspiele 1972 in München

Erich Honneker

Gründung des Staates Israel

Club of Rome


Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

brasilianischer Ökonom und Politologe
* nnnn




Zitat Bresser-Pereira

We must consider the two major changes that took place in the 1970s: the reduction in the profit rate of business corporations (short term) and a more long-term change, namely, the transition that capitalism was undergoing from "bourgeois capitalism" or classical capitalism to professional or regulated capitalism, from a system where capital was the strategic factor of production to another system where technical, administrative and communicative knowledge performed this role.


(short term): The reduction of the rates of profit and growth in the United States was a consequence, on one side, of the strong pressure of workers for higher wages, and, on the other, of the radical increase in the price of oil and other commodities after the first oil shock in 1973.


It was also a long-term consequence of the transition from capital to knowledge as the strategic factor of production as the supply of capital had become abundant, or, in other words, as the supply of credit from inactive capitalists to active capitalists had exceeded the usual demand for it.

These short-term and long-term factors meant that either the profit rate (the interest rate which, in principle, is part of the profit rate) should be smaller or that the wage rate should increase more slowly than the productivity rate, or a combination of the two so as to create space for the remuneration of knowledge. We have already observed that the new role assigned to monetary policy in the 1960s was instrumental in increasing the interest rate, but nevertheless, given the low profit rates prevailing from the 1970s up to the mid-1980s, discontent was mounting, principally among capitalist rentiers.


In the rich countries, despite their modest growth rates, the inordinate remuneration obtained by the participants in the rentiers’ and financists’ political coalition had as a trade-off the quasi-stagnation of the wages of workers and of the salaries of the rest of the professional middle class. It should, however, be emphasized that this outcome also reflected competition from immigration and exports originating in low-wage countries, which pushed down wages and middle-class salaries.

Quelle: Revue de la régulation: Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs 7
1er semestre / Spring 2010:
Institutions, régulation et développement, 2010-02-16
La crise financière globale,
la théorie néoclassique
et les années néolibérales du capitalisme

Gordon Brown

Kapital im Überfluss

Zitat Bresser-Pereira

In speculation, financial agents are permanently subject to self-fulfilling prophecies or to the phenomenon that representatives of the Regulation School (Aglietta 1995; Orléan 1999) call self-referential rationality and George Soros (1998) reflexivity: they buy assets predicting that their price will rise, and prices really increase because their purchases push prices up.


We know how finance becomes distorted and dangerous when it is not oriented to financing production and commerce, but to financing "treasury operations" — a nicer euphemism for speculation — on the part of business firms and principally commercial banks and the other financial institutions: speculation without credit has limited scope; financed or leveraged, it becomes risky and boundless — or almost, because when the indebtedness of financial investors and the leverage of financial institutions become too great, investors and banks suddenly realize that risk has become insupportable, the herd effect prevails, as it did in October 2008: the loss of confidence that was creeping in during the preceding months turned into panic, and the crisis broke.

Quelle: Revue de la régulation: Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs 7
1er semestre / Spring 2010:
Institutions, régulation et développement, 2010-02-16
La crise financière globale,
la théorie néoclassique
et les années néolibérales du capitalisme


Günther Guillaume

Filmförderung, Friedrich Zimmermann

In and around the lake,
mountains come out of the sky
and they stand there.

Lynyrd Skynyrd

Sweet Home Alabama

"Big wheels keep on turnin'
Carry me home to see my kin
Singin' songs about the Southland
I miss Alabamy once again
And I think it's a sin, yes
Well I heard Mr. Young sing about her
Well, I heard ol' Neil put her down
Well, I hope Neil Young will remember
A Southern man don't need him around, anyhow

Sweet home Alabama
Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you

In Birmingham they love the governor,
(Boo! Boo! Boo!)
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you?
Tell the truth

Sweet home Alabama
Where the skies are so blue
Sweet home Alabama
Lord, I'm coming home to you

Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers
And they've been known to pick a song or two
(Yes they do)
Lord they get me off so much
They pick me up when I'm feeling blue
Now how 'bout you?

Sweet home Alabama
(Oh, sweet home, baby)
Where the skies are so blue
(And the governor's true)
Sweet home Alabama (Lordy)
Lord, I'm coming home to you
(Yeah, yeah)

My, Montgomery's got to stop there
Montgomery's coming up short"

In einem der vielen Versuche, die Geschichte umzuschreiben, schreibt das online-Portal Genius Lyrics:

Lynyrd Skynyrd wrote Sweet Home Alabama as a response to Southern Man and as a way to show rock fans that the South was not the racist land of protracted slavery that Canadians at the time felt that it was.
People often believe Lynyrd Skynyrd to be typical, Southern Conservatives because of where they come from, but let’s keep in mind here that these guys named their band after a gym teacher who thought they were flowery hippies who needed to cut their hair.

Die Rezeptionsgeschichte war ganz klar eine andere: Sweet Home Alabama wurde als ultra-konservative Antwort auf eine der bei der amerikanischen Rechten am meisten verhasste Band — Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young — wahrgenommen.
Die Zeilen "Tja, ich hoffe Neil Young erinnert sich, dass ein Mann aus dem Süden ihn ohnehin hier nicht braucht", klingt nicht nach Hippie-Lyrik. Und noch weniger der Hinweis auf Birmingham, Alabama, wo schlimmste Pogrome gegen Schwarze sich ereigneten. In diesem Zusammenhang den rechtsradikalen Gouverneur zu lieben und anzuschließen "Wir taten, was wir konnten. Watergate schreckt mich nicht. Drückt dich dein Gewissen? Sag mal ehrlich", ist endgültig eine Kampfansage gegen das tolerante und demokratische Amerika.

Quelle: Genius Lyrics
abgerufen: 11. Januar 2020

Und darum ging's:

On his 1970 album After the Gold Rush, Neil Young wrote a song called Southern Man, which described the racism in the South as he saw it after visiting there:

I saw cotton
And I saw black
Tall white mansions
And little shacks
Southern man
When will you
Pay them back?

Quelle: Genius Lyrics
abgerufen: 11. Januar 2020

Village People

In the Navy

Where can you find pleasure
Search the world for treasure
Learn science technology
Where can you begin to make your dreams all come true
On the land or on the sea
Where can you learn to fly
Play in sports and skin dive
Study oceanography
Sign up for the big band
Or sit in the grandstand
When your team and others meet

In the navy
Yes, you can sail the seven seas
In the navy Yes, you can put your mind at ease
In the navy
Come on now, people, make a stand
In the navy, in the navy
Can't you see we need a hand
In the navy
Come on, protect the mother land In the navy
Come on and join your fellow man
In the navy
Come on people, and make a stand
In the navy, in the navy, in the navy

They want you, they want you
They want you as a new recruit
They want you, they want you
They want you as a new recruit

If you like adventure
Don't you wait to enter
The recruiting office fast
Don't you hesitate
There is no need to wait
They're signing up new seamen fast
Maybe you are too young
To join up today
But don't you worry 'bout a thing
For I'm sure there will be
Always a good navy
Protecting the land and sea

[Chorus] [Call & Response]
They want you, they want you
They want you as a new recruit
Who, me?

They want you, they want you
They want you as a new recruit

But, but, but, I'm afraid of water
Hey, hey look
Man, I get seasick even watchin' it on the TV!

They want you, they want you in the navy
Oh my goodness
What am I gonna do in a submarine?
They want you, they want you in the navy


Quelle: Genius Lyrics
Record Release Date: January 17, 1979

In the Navy was written by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo, and lead singer Victor Willis. After the release of the song, the Navy contacted Henri Belolo and asked to use the song for their advertising campaigns. Belolo agreed, as long as the Navy helped shoot the music video, which they ended up doing. However, the Navy later decided to not use the song.

Quelle: Genius Lyrics


ISBN 978-3-981-65113-3 ---
Erschienen im HWS-Verlag (VLB 5230735) ---
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